The Motivation Behind the Blog

My name is Lauren. I am thirty years old and live in rural South Central Pennsylvania, where I have lived my entire life. My life is not a happy one. I have been chronically ill since 1998. There are times when I feel like my whole identity revolves around my health; days where I sit and wallow in my own self pity. There are then days when my perspective clears and I am able to see the blessings and gifts that I have been given. This blog isn’t about any particular topic. It is instead, a collection of my thoughts and struggles, as I strive for contentment with the life I have been given instead of the life I had imagined.

6 thoughts on “The Motivation Behind the Blog

  1. Hiya. thanks for following my blog! Us spoonies have to stick together. Im looking forward to exploring your blog more. I am also (nearly)30 and living in a rural area with chronic illness. Love from over the pond – Lucy

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  2. Me, too – another spoonie, I mean! Found you through Carolyn/The Hurt Healer, bless her. I am also someone who lives with chronic illness, and it’s so good to find others who are wrestling with it, too. Good to meet you Lauren, and looking forward to reading more from you here!

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  3. Hi Lauren! I look forward to reading your blog, and I hope we can learn about coping with chronic illness together. It’s a tough and lonely journey sometimes, but better with good company.

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  4. Hey Lauren! Your blog is extremely touching! My best friend’s brother was diagnosed with Crohn’s 3 years ago and I decided I wanted to help others so they wouldn’t have to go through what he has. I have been working with a non-profit that helps educate those with Crohn’s, colitis, MS, and other autoimmune related diseases and symptoms on how nutrition by itself can help stop symptoms and in some cases reverse disease. My friend’s brother has been symptom free for over a year now. I would love for you to check out the website as we are about to start accepting new patients to fund and help. It’s I wish you all the luck in the world and hope that maybe the website can help you and others.

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  5. Lauren, you are a strong woman! No matter the challenges you endure, it’s not your health that defines you. It’s your amazing outlook on life and your ability to stay strong through it all. I have Crohn’s myself and have experienced many of the things you have. You are correct in your spoon theory when you mentioned that the ill ones have an advantage over the healthy. We see life in a different way. We see that every moment of every day is a blessing. Now, I don’t hold back at expressing my true feelings and emotions (in positive ways). I don’t want to leave this world without my love being known to my loved ones. Live with no regrets.

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