I Failed! (Insert poop Emoji)

So, I do not know what I was thinking trying to take on WEGO’s Health Activist Challenge of writing 30 blogs in 30 days; especially, since I was already starting 7 days behind. I am pretty sure that I am going to fail at this; however, I will use the prompts that I do not get to, during these 30 days, as prompts or ideas for future posts. I am currently really struggling with my own health, so I am not always able to do anything, when I am this sick. I will continue with this challenge as I am able, but I might skip some of the prompts, or post prompts out-of-order, just giving everyone a heads up. Thank you for your continued support and for reading my ramblings. I am finding it is very hard for me to stay on topic when I am writing for these promts….there is just so much in my head that I want to get out, that it is hard to stick to the topic at hand. Anyway, thanks again for reading! This challenge has helped me get back into writing, and that was my main goal for signing up, so I guess it wasn’t a total fail!


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